My mom is 82
years old. She has lots of great stories
but I have two favorites. The first one
is when she felt a touch from heaven, fourteen years ago and the second is
about a dog that appeared out of nowhere at just the right time.
Mary's Touch
Mom was 68 years
old and lived alone in a big house with a big yard. She has always been full of energy, active
and enjoyed taking care of her house. She
had some yard work to do and asked her 14 year old grandson, Aaron to help. They had been working in the yard for a few
hours and she was getting tired. Laying the last of the mulch, she stepped
backward tripping over a mulch bag. She tried
to catch herself but she fell on both
arms. Mom knew she needed an
ambulance. She told Aaron to call 911
and get some ice for her arms. Aaron
called 911 and returned with two ice cubes, one for each arm. -We laugh about that now.
She broke both
of her arms. The doctor was very
concerned with her right arm because it was more damaged than the left . She would need physical therapy after the
casts came off to try and return her to full use of her arms. It was a humbling experience for mom to be fed
and cared for while her casts were on.
She handled it with laughter and prayer.
Thank God for my Aunt Marge that came everyday to take care of her. My two sisters and I all had shifts too.
After the casts
were off the physical therapy began. It
was painful but mom did everything she was told to do. It looked like her right arm, wrist and hand
were not going to be like they were. Mom
sat in her chair praying that she would fully recover. She was alone in the house waiting for my
Aunt Marge's visit. She had been worried
for months that she would not be able to use her right arm. She closed her eyes and prayed. She felt a warm feeling all over and
calmness, then she felt my Aunt Marge touch her arm. She opened her eyes and saw she was still all
alone. Who had touched her arm? As she sat there peacefully, the worry gone,
she knew who it was. God had answered
her prayer by sending his mother to touch her arm. That is why she felt the inner peace and
warmth. After that she never worried
about her arm again. She did recover
full use of her arms. Even now fourteen years later she still cries when she
thinks about Mary's touch that day.
The Angel Dog
After my uncle's
funeral, my mom and Aunt Marge were helping my Aunt Marlee, his widow, move
back to Ohio from Kentucky. They were
packing up the house to get ready for the move.
At the time, something else was happening in the small rural Kentucky town
that they didn't know about. A murderer
was being chased by police, the highway patrol and the sheriff. The authorities knew he was hiding out. It was a perfect place to hide, a national
forest and houses about a mile apart from each other.
While my mom and
my aunts were cleaning and packing up, a big one-hundred pound black dog appeared in the front yard. He thudded around the yard sniffing. Aunt
Marlee called some neighbors and asked at the church if anyone had lost their
dog but no one had. That night the big dog curled up on the front porch and
laid against the front door.
The next morning
they saw the dog again sniffing in the yard but they never saw him after
that. When they went to town to take
some items to the church, they found out that a murderer was being pursued and had been spotted at an old country store on
the same road of my Aunt and Uncle's home.
The murderer would have had to travel by their house the night before.
He was later apprehended. After the move
was over and my mom was back in Ohio, she thought about how the big dog
appeared out of nowhere and laid against the front door overnight. She realized the dog was probably an angel
sent to protect her and my aunts from harm.
This may sound a little crazy to some but years later, I read a similar
story about St. John Bosco being saved by a dog he named Grigio that appeared
for thirty years, whenever he needed help.
He was also a big black dog that saved the saint from murderers. Is this a coincidence? Could Grigio, the big black dog, once again
have appeared to give protection from a murderer?
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