1. "He who desires to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus" ---St. Bonaventure

    I can't remember how I came across the book The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  I read it on a summer vacation in Myrtle Beach about 15 years ago.  I remember sitting by myself on the beach, under an umbrella, reading the book.   My husband had taken our children back to the beach house to give me time to myself.  It was tough to read because it made me feel that I was there at Jesus' Crucifixion. 

    I remember stopping at one point and looking out at the ocean with tears streaming down my face.  The pictures that formed in my mind while reading Blessed Catherine's words, have never left me.  Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was a nun and a mystic.  She was from Germany and died in 1824.

    During her life she experienced the mystical phenomenon of the stigmata, the wounds of Christ, which after a study ordered by her bishop were judged by a panel of physicians and clergy to be authentic. In addition she had mystical visions, the content of which came to be written down by Clemens Brentano, a man who served as her secretary. Among the most famous of her writings is the The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  (EWTN Library)

    The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ contains her private revelation detailing Jesus' crucifixion.  It is a behind the scenes look at what catholics call The Passion of Christ. Blessed Anne Catherine had visions, while in ecstasy, of the past, present and future. This book deals with Jesus' Passion.  Blessed Anne Catherine's private revelation is not to be regarded as equal or to have greater authenticity than the Gospels.  Private revelation can enlighten or help to understand a part of our faith but it never corrects it. 

    Blessed Anne Catherine's writings will put you at the foot of the cross.  It makes it real.  Blessed Anne Catherine's writings are frighteningly real. Luckily, you don't need to purchase the book because her writings are online.  The link is below.  The chapters are listed from 1-66.  It is a wonderful way to walk with Jesus this Lent.


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