A co-worker asked me about going to confession, after I explained it to her, she smiled and said "Then you feel guilt the rest of your life". I laughed and said "No because you would be telling God he didn't know what he was doing. You have to forget it and try to sin no more".
I came across an enlightening discussion Padre Pio had with a penitent (someone who is sorry for their sins). It was in a pamphlet called Padre Pio Devotions. In it Padre Pio tells him how to distinguish what is from God and what is from the Devil. Here is the conversation:
Someone complained to Padre Pio of being excessively distressed by sins he had committed. Padre Pio replied: "That which you feel is pride: it is the demon which inspires you with this sentiment, it is not true sorrow".
The penitent replied: "Father, how can someone then distinguish what comes from the heart, inspired by God, and that which instead is inspired by the devil?"
The spirit of the demon, on the contrary, excites, exasperates, and makes us in our sorrow feel something like anger against ourselves.
Our first charity must be to ourselves, and so if certain thoughts agitate you, this agitation never comes from God, who gives tranquility, being of the Spirit of Peace. Such agitation comes from the devil."
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