1. A young mother in the U.S., had visions of Jesus and Mary for 9 months in 1987.  She was to begin a silent apostolate of mothers which would be world-wide, and help to usher in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    In the book, Apostolate of Holy Motherhood (which has the Imprimatur and NIHIL OBSTAT), the Christ Child explains why everyone should honor his mother. 

    Here is an excerpt from the book, Friday, March 13, 1987.

    "... I know that many hesitate to call upon My Mother, fearing it will somehow detract from their love for Me.  How foolish this is.  They do not understand the meaning of love.  They would never think this if they understood My nature.  I am never jealous of My Mother because it is I Who have planned for her to intercede for you.  It is My expressed wish that it be this way.  As I told you before some years ago:  "In Heaven there is no jealousy", and "Souls are not worthy to come to Me first; they must go through her Immaculate Heart.'  I hope that many will read this and put the nonsense behind them that has been perpetrated by her adversary, the evil one.  Never be afraid to turn to My Mother in all circumstances.  She should be the one to whom you go and who will lead you to Me.

    When a soul is untied to My Mother and firmly ensconced in her Heart, I can refuse them nothing, they are so pleasing to Me. They are made pleasing by her intercession which purifies them of this world and fashions them after Me, even as I was fashioned in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit.  But again, she was necessary for the plan of the Incarnation to be fulfilled, so she is necessary for your personal redemption, or coming to Me.  She is the Gate of Heaven by which I have come to you and you will come to Me.  The Protestantism that has crept into My Church, that is the one I founded, the Catholic Church, is just that- Protestantism.  It is not Catholic truth.  It is an error to diminish the importance of my Mother's role in your salvation and the salvation of the world.  She was and is more important in all facets of redemption because I chose to come to you by this means and I choose for you to come to Me by the same means, that is the Blessed Virgin Mary, My Mother and your Mother.

    She is Queen of all Saints, Queen of Angels, and Queen of Heaven and Earth.  She will lead you to Heaven if you allow her.  I am grieved by so much resistance to My Mother's message both here and at Fatima and so many of her apparitions.  She is pleading for your soul and your cooperation but so many turn a deaf ear.  They need to rearrange the priorities in the lives so that the things of Heaven are of the utmost importance to them rather than secondary in the lives.  When she speaks to you listen and learn for it is My will that she has come to you and is speaking to you.  If you reject her message, you reject Me, because it is I Who have sent her.

    Remember this well.  It is your warning:  My Mother is to be well received in your hearts or I shall not allow you to set foot in My kingdom.  Those who would think she is somehow expendable are in grave error and need to rethink their position.  Their obstinacy in this matter must be amended so that they can love fully as I have planned for all creatures to love.  Love My Mother and you will love Me as My Father planned..."


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  2. A friend of mine says this prayer frequently.  She received it from a prayer group she was in.  She wrote it down for me so I could share it. It is appropriate for the times we are living in. This prayer is taken from Ephesians 6.

    Putting On The Armor of God

     We put on the armor of God.
    The helmet of salvation. 
    The breastplate of righteousness. 
    The shield of faith. 
    The belt of Truth around our waist. 
    We shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.  
    We take up the sword of the spirit which is the word.  
    And we do all this in prayer that we might be prepared and ready for the day. 
    And cover ourselves with the protection of the precious blood of Jesus.

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