rice on Thursday, nothing on Friday or Saturday. Since she is a giant breed her lifespan is about 7-9 years, so I knew this day was not far off. But Delilah had other plans, at least for this weekend.
Many visitors came to call on Delilah. Our daughter drove an hour from Cincinnati to spend time with her. Our son was out of town and drove all night, so he could say goodbye. Our grandchildren stayed the weekend. We took her to her favorite park, let her sleep on the "good" couch, and gave her lots of extra love. Then on Sunday she started eating again. My husband said she went on a hunger strike so all the kids would come and see her. She has always been full of surprises.
When Delilah first stopped eating, I went in search of two things; my animal prayer book, For God's Creatures Great & Small and my holy water. I'm a strong believer in the power of prayer and the use of sacramentals. I dipped my finger in the holy water and made the sign of the cross on Delilah's forehead, then with tears streaming down my face, I said this prayer :
Healing Father in heaven, You made all things for your praise and glory. You also make us guardians of this creature who is now ill and suffering. Please restore this animal to health and strength if that is your design. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, and precious is your name for ever and ever. Amen.
It gave us both comfort, Delilah and me, to concretely, out loud, put things in God's hands. Whether it was the holy water and prayer that healed her, I'll leave up to each person. I don't know how much more time Delilah has; one day, one week, or a few months. So, I am appreciating every moment we have left together, especially now.
One of the other prayers in the book that I thought was amazing and comforting, is a litany that mentions 19 saints who were helped by animals. I think it is important to remember, we are not alone in times of worry. So remember to call on Our Lord and the saints (and the angels) to assist us. Here is the litany:
An Animal Litany

Anthony, the Great, a desert solitary whose only companion was a lowly pig, pray for us.
Mary of Egypt, a saintly hermit who lived only on berries and whose grave was dug by a lion, pray for us.
Germanus of Auxerre, whose prayerful intentions brought his dying donkey back to life, pray for us.
Marin of Tours, whose hiding place was given away by the honking of a goose when he concealed himself to avoid being make a bishop, pray for us.
Francis of Assisi, friend and preacher to all wild thing, pray for us.
Ambrose, whose future as a great preacher was foretold by a swarm of bees hovering over his cradle at birth, pray for us.
Roch, who was nursed to health by his faithful dog who licked his wounds and brought him food, pray for us.
Stephen, who was protected and fed by a doe after being abandoned as an infant, pray for us.
Anthony of Padua, who caused a donkey to kneel in honor of Christ's presence in the Eucharist, pray for us.
Thomas, who was hidden from the sight of pursuing killers by peacocks, pray for us.
Vincent, who was rescued by ravens when he was attacked by wild beasts, pray for us.
Vitus, whose martyred body was guarded by wolves until it could be buried, pray for us.
Huber, who saw a crucifix in the horns of a milk-white stag, pray for us.
Martin de Porres, who was obeyed by the rats and mice of Lima after he fed them and ordered them not to invade his monastery, pray for us.
Philip Neri, who humbled the greatest of his disciples by having them bring food to his cat, pray for us.
Barbara, who survived torture for becoming a Christian when the whip used to beat her turned to feathers, pray for us.
Blaise, who lived peacefully in the company of wild bears, pray for us.
Francis Xavier, whose crucifix fell overboard on a sea voyage and was restored by a lobster who returned it to him, pray for us.
Jerome, who pulled a thorn ot of the pay of a wild lion who thereafter became his servant, pray for us.
Let us pray.
We ask you, O lord, to hear our prayers on behalf of all animals, who bless and praise you without ceasing. Grant that all cruelty to these creatures may cease and deepen our gratitude fore the faithful companionship of those we call our friends and who, in their own way, reveal you love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reign with you and the Holy Spirit, on God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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