I first heard about the Schoenstatt Movement while on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.  I became friends with two women who were members of Schoenstatt that were in my travel group.

My two new friends needed volunteers to help with Schoenstatt of Ohio's Facebook page.  Since I was a Marketing Manager for a non-profit, I agreed to manage their page.  I was also contacted by a sweet Schoenstatt Sister who needed a Facebook manager for their Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign's page, which I also happily agreed to help with.  I have learned so much about the movement over the last four years in my volunteer work.  My husband and I have been studying for the last nine months to make our Covenant of Love together.

My 9 year old dog, a Greater Swissy Mix, stopped eating last Wednesday.  She ate a little chicken and

rice on Thursday, nothing on Friday or Saturday.  Since she is a giant breed her lifespan is about 7-9 years, so I knew this day was not far off. But Delilah had other plans, at least for this weekend.

Many visitors came to call on Delilah. Our daughter drove an hour from Cincinnati to spend time with her. Our son was out of town and drove all night, so he could say goodbye.

A young mother in the U.S., had visions of Jesus and Mary for 9 months in 1987.  She was to begin a silent apostolate of mothers which would be world-wide, and help to usher in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In the book, Apostolate of Holy Motherhood (which has the Imprimatur and NIHIL OBSTAT), the Christ Child explains why everyone should honor his mother. 

Here is an excerpt from the book, Friday, March 13, 1987.


A friend of mine says this prayer frequently.  She received it from a prayer group she was in.  She wrote it down for me so I could share it. It is appropriate for the times we are living in. This prayer is taken from Ephesians 6.

Putting On The Armor of God

We put on the armor of God.

The helmet of salvation. 

The breastplate of righteousness. 

The shield of faith. 

The belt of Truth around our waist. 

We shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.

“The idea that the body is a vehicle for reaching consciousness with the divine is

not Christianity. Christians who practice yoga must either deny the reality of what yoga represents or fail to see the contradictions between their Christian commitments and their embrace of yoga.” – Albert Mohler

I took a Hatha Yoga class at our local Recreation Center in the 1990's when my children were toddlers.

St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was a Roman Catholic priest known for his prophetic dreams. 

On April 10th 1868, he had a dream where he was taken by a guide who he thought was either an angel or a saint, and shown Hell.   The following is the exact account he narrated to his students Sunday evening May 3, 1868:

I have another dream to tell you, a sort of aftermath of those I told you last Thursday and Friday, which totally exhausted me. Call them dreams or whatever you like. . . .

"I will display portents in heaven above and signs on earth below.  The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great Day of the Lord dawns.

In answer to The Anchoress's blog, Dear Catholic World, Why Do You Remain Catholic?

She asked,  "How about if Catholic writers from all over the internet — bloggers, reporters, poets, aggregators, newshounds, journal editors, politicians, new-media-storming priests and nuns, Catholics in secular positions — what if they all were to take a few minutes to jot down “Why I Remain A Catholic” and post it where they can, on websites or social media?"

Here is my answer:

I was raised Catholic.

I read about Dr. Polo's near death experience, a few years ago, in a magazine I

get called Signs and Wonders.  Recently the magazine sent an email that had her testimony on YouTube.  I listened to her 90 minute testimony over several days because it is all lot to take in. We all wonder about life after death.  Dr. Polo's testimony is scary to say the least.  What is scary about it is that it shows sin without sugar coating.  It reminds me that every moment is a choice between good or evil.
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