Schoenstatt - Covenant of Love
I first heard about the Schoenstatt Movement while on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. I became friends with two women who were members of Schoenstatt that were in my travel group.
My two new friends needed volunteers to help with Schoenstatt of Ohio's Facebook page.
Jesus' Warning: His Mother Is To Be Well Received Or You Won't Get to Heaven!
A young mother in the U.S., had visions of Jesus and Mary for 9 months in 1987. She was to begin a silent apostolate of mothers which would be world-wide, and help to usher in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Prayer for Supernatural Protection
A friend of mine says this prayer frequently. She received it from a prayer group she was in. She wrote it down for me so I could share it. It is appropriate for the times we are living in. This prayer is taken from Ephesians 6.
Putting On The Armor of God
We put on the armor of God.
Christians-What You Don't Know About Yoga Can Hurt You
“The idea that the body is a vehicle for reaching consciousness with the divine is
not Christianity.
What Hell Looks Like and Why You Go: The Dream Of St. John Bosco!
St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was a Roman Catholic priest known for his prophetic dreams.
On April 10th 1868, he had a dream where he was taken by a guide who he thought was either an angel or a saint, and shown Hell.
Four Blood Moons Prophecy: Last of the four is Sept 28, 2015
"I will display portents in heaven above and signs on earth below. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great Day of the Lord dawns.
The Story of Another Soul: Why I Remain Catholic
In answer to The Anchoress's blog, Dear Catholic World, Why Do You Remain Catholic?
She asked, "How about if Catholic writers from all over the internet — bloggers, reporters, poets, aggregators, newshounds, journal editors, politicians, new-media-storming priests and nuns, Catholics in secular po
Struck by Lightning: The near death experience of Dr. Gloria Polo
I read about Dr. Polo's near death experience, a few years ago, in a magazine I
get called Signs and Wonders. Recently the magazine sent an email that had her testimony on YouTube. I listened to her 90 minute testimony over several days because it is all lot to take in.
Epiphany Blessing with Blessed Chalk
The Church has a custom of blessing homes on the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6) and
the week following with blessed chalk. I received the following instructions from a prayer group I was in a few years back.--
Using blessed chalk, you will write above the home's entryway, 20+C+M+B+15.
Overwhelmed With Guilt From Sins? Padre Pio Explains How To Tell If It Is From God or the Devil
"Pray, Hope and Don't Worry"
Padre Pio
A co-worker asked me about going to confession, after I explained it to her, she smiled and said "Then you feel guilt the rest of your life". I laughed and said "No because you would be telling God he didn't know what he was doing.
Using Blessed Salt & Holy Water For Protection From Evil
St. Theresa of Avila on holy water: "From long experience, I have learned that there is
Nothing like holy water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again.
The Supernatural Behind The Catholic Mass
There is more to the Catholic mass than most of us see. A visionary from South America, named Catalina, was given the gift of seeing the Catholic Mass supernaturally.
1Gay, Catholic, and Chaste
"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?"
-Pope Francis
My friend asked me if I knew anyone who was Gay, Catholic and Chaste. I didn't.
Extraordinary Graces At 3 O'Clock this Friday
You don't have to be catholic, you don't have to be religious, you don't have to know how to pray and you don't have to know Jesus. Just say the Three O'clock Hour Prayer, at 3pm to receive extraordinary graces. God will take care of the rest.--Try it this Friday, Good Friday.
2The Dolorous (Sorrowful) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"He who desires to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus" ---St. Bonaventure
I can't remember how I came across the book The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint of the Broom
I have a guest posting on Cherishing Everyday Beauty. Sarah started a series on saints, sharing stories on her blog, of regular people who have a saint close to their heart. Saints show us an example of extraordinary humbleness and trust in God in every day life.
2Seeking Peace
The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, is a diary of a young mother of three who had visions of Jesus and Mary for nine months in 1987. The Virgin Mary wanted a silent apostolate to begin with mothers around the world to assist in ushering in the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart.
The Hidden Human in Animal Welfare
I work for a non-profit animal shelter, and wrote this story after a difficult week. It was published in Dog Fancy Magazine, September 2013.
As I walked down the hall behind Barney’s owner, I watched him turn and take one last look at his beloved dog before going to the homeless shelter.
Faith Stories: Gus the Gray Ghost
"...dogs don't possess a soul, but they have a spirit" Maria Simma
We got Gus, a Weimaraner, from a rescue group when he was 8 months old. Dogs called Weimaraners are gray in color and have been referred to as The Gray Ghost. I didn't know how true this nickname would be until a decade later.
What I Did On My Christmas Vacation
A series of mishaps and events were to define my Christmas holiday. Or it could be called a tale of three sisters. I have two sisters, Deana and Donna. We are very close, so I was thrilled when my sister Deana could spend Christmas with us in Dayton.
Faith Stories: Mary's Touch / The Angel Dog
My mom is 82 years old. She has lots of great stories but I have two favorites. The first one is when she felt a touch from heaven, fourteen years ago and the second is about a dog that appeared out of nowhere at just the right time.
The Time I Wasn't Absolved in Confession
I married a Baptist twenty-one years ago. I felt that he was more Catholic than my first Catholic husband. He was kind, thoughtful, loved family and children.
4My Trip To Medjugorje
My interest in Medjugorje, Croatia Hertzagovina, began in the 1980s when Life Magazine did a cover story on the six children who were having apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She has been appearing to the children, now adults, for over 31 years.
1Faith Stories: Danny the Stone Guy
Do you ever hear stories from everyday people about their faith? I keep hearing people's amazing stories so I'm going to start sharing their stories of faith. Here is the first one from Danny, the stone guy.
My husband and I have been remodeling our home during the last couple of summers.
Do You Hear St. Philomena Knocking? A Saint For Everyone, Especially Teens!
"To Philomena, nothing is refused" - Blessed Virgin Mary
In 1802, in the catacombs of Rome, excavators found a chamber which had been unnoticed for seventeen centuries.
Need Help With Eternal Salvation? --Mary's Got Your Back!
During the apparitions to the three children of Fatima in 1917, the Blessed Mother told the children The Real Story of Fatima). During the July 13 apparition, the Blessed Mother said that God wished to establish in the world devotion to her Immaculate Heart.
1Be Aware of Two Catholic Churches
There has been a lot of controversy in the news about Catholics that don't adhere to Catholic teachings. Last month, Cardinal Burke, a Vatican official, advised U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi to stop receiving Holy Communion because of her continued support of abortion.
1Happiness In This Life
God never promises happiness.
Padre Pio, a priest who had the stigmata for 50 years, said that a cross in any form is a good sign and that if we knew the value of the cross we would covet it.
Defending The Catholic Faith With More Than Bacon
My sister works at a medical office with a large number of patients from Saudi Arabia. While waiting at the front desk, a Muslim patient was discussing religion with a group of her Christian co-workers.
The Miracle of the Sun -The Real Story of Fatima
Ninety-six years ago today, seventy thousand people gathered, including news paper reporters and photographers, to a small town in Portugal called Fatima, anticipating a miracle. What they saw that day was supernatural and extraordinary.
Sit, Stay, Believe!
The boy left with the angel, and the dog followed behind. The two walked on, and when the first evening came they camped beside the Tigris. Tobit 6:2
If you are a dog lover and Catholic, you'll be happy to know there are over 40 references about dogs, in catholic bibles.
The Pit-Bull's Rosary
"In His hands is the life of every creature..." -Job 12:10
She was found tied to a picnic table behind a veterinary hospital in Dayton, Ohio. A stout Pit-bull with big sorrowful eyes had been abandoned there on a late Saturday afternoon in September.